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Beginning again, in the middle.

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I began this blog almost a year and a half ago, as a way of keeping track of my training and fundraising efforts, ahead of doing my first triathlon for Team In Training.

The good: I completed the damn thing, and quickly enough for a first-timer, too, I thought.
The really good: Maybe it was the acute lack of oxygen to my brain, but seconds after I crossed the finish line, I was thinking, "I've got to do more of these." And so I have.
The great: Friends, family, and strangers helped raise a lot of money for a very important cause.
The bad to downright ugly: I made it to what, four posts here? Like most of the half-dozen-and-counting blogs I've started over the last couple years, good intentions haven't matched by good blogging.

Now I'm looking to start this thing back up, as a running account of what I'm doing, how I'm doing, thoughts I'm having, stuff I'm reading, crap I'm desiring, things I'm learning about and from this triathlon thing. A log, a record, a place for notes and whatnot. Feel free to care. Or not.

To reintroduce myself:
I hate such introductions; they come across all dull and showy. At least they do when I write them. You can learn a bit more by reading here. Or you can look up there in the corner, at "about me," and glean a little bit there. I'll let on more as I go along, no doubt.
I've seen a few of these blogs begun by people who are totally obsessive, very knowledgeable, and intimidatingly accomplished athletes. Their entries have 3% body fat and are done at a 6:30 pace. That's not me. I've also seen some put together as a sort of self-improvement chronicle - the prototypical "From Fatso To Ironman" story. That's not me either.

I'm not a born swimmer, or biker, or runner; I've never done any of those things competitively, though I've done plenty of biking, running and swimming in my life. Sports are in my background - most often, the kind involving a ball or a puck. So as far as triathlon goes, I slot right into the middle of the pack. This is the continuing story of me looking to work my way a little higher, to get a little better, and to have a good time while doing it.

Here's the rundown of my 2007 tris so far, in a sentence or two.

Ohio Sprint Duathlon, Columbus, Ohio, 5/6/2007
Duathlons hurt.

Place Time
17/110 1:09:57

USAT Collegiate National Championships, Tuscaloosa, Alabama, 5/21/07:
My first Olympic distance race. No world-beating performance, but a decent start.

Place Time
355/498 2:34:31

Wendy's International Triathlon, Columbus, Ohio, :
Back to the scene of my first triumph (ha), to take 10 minutes off that debut time.

Place Time
43/535 1:23:53

Scarlet and Gray Collegiate Triathlon, Columbus, Ohio, 6/12/07:
Kind of suffered through this one, nibbled a few seconds off that 1st Oly time.

Place Time
31/38 2:34:26

Evergreen Lake Triathlon, Normal, Illinois, 07/21/07:
Getting (a little) better all the time.

Place Time
113/295 2:33:34

Lots of little improvements in this first spring/summer of racing; many more to make.
I've got two races coming up in the next 4 weeks, a sprint and an Olympic. I've gone on long enough already, so I'll write a little more about them tomorrow.


About me

  • Michael K.
  • Observing the things in my personal cosmos: music of a catchy sort, soccer, hockey and other sports, theories of place, media and culture, academic life, history, nature, politics, the international, the parochial. You never know what you might get. For generosity of the spirit.
  • My profile

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